2010年9月6日 星期一



Hints at practicing yoga asana (poses)


Tuned in to the practice. Clear the mind, synchronize the breath with the movements and connect to the experience. Concentrate at the moment instead of allowing the mind wanders is rewarding to our practice as well as our lives.


Be patient. Focus on one thing at a time, breathe deeply and move slowly. Develop a positive attitude, we begin from simple things and don't force things to happen. Slowness does not equal to sloppiness; instead, we are working with great care, attention to details, being stress-free and connected to the practice. We will do gentle practice but it doesn't mean we won't have much fun.


Find comfort in discomfort poses. Surrender to the practice and soften the mind, let the breath guide us and ease the muscular pain. Our body may not be flexible or strong enough at the beginning, but as our mind opens and we do a well-rounded practice regularly, the body will gain more freedom as well as the mind.


Learn to control the body. All poses develop stability and the control of physical movement, we learn how to cultivate and work with core strength, and how to keep a balance between prana and apana (subtle energy flowing up and down within the body). The practice allows us to discover the stillness that lies deep within us and experience the joy of freedom.


Make the practice part of your life. As the journey flourishes, one will realize that yoga is so much more than just doing poses gracefully on the mat. The life we carry on, the mindset we hold, our relationship with others are all practices of yoga. They turn our attention inwards, help to find the spark of divinity within ourselves, enable us to live up to it. When we begin practicing yoga off the mat, yoga becomes our lives.


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